The need for improvement
How Eco-park® works to bring about improvements throughout enclosed car parks
Today, the emphasis within the car park ventilation industry to date has primarily been on the extraction of smoke in the very rare event of a fire. This is now expanding, as the importance of everyday air quality is becoming more widely recognised.
Exhaust emissions such as NOx, CO, PM2.5 and PM10 constantly degrade the air people breathe within enclosed car parks, raising health issues that just cannot be ignored.
PVE has always believed that air quality in enclosed car parks is of paramount importance. Our standard policy of including an air quality report in all eco-park® design concepts has been a natural progression for our company, which has ultimately had a far reaching impact on how the industry operates. These calculations offer complete peace of mind to the building owner, developer and end users. We highlight from the onset the expected peak and average rates of pollution, giving detailed information on what effect eco-park® dilution has upon pollution levels.
Comprehensive details are then given showing how frequently the system will activate upon a CO/NOx alarm. This information is of considerable value to supermarkets, large retailers and car parks that are considered to be in in continual use. Our engineering focus has many advantages over all other systems within this emerging energy efficient/BREEAM rated market.
Our goal is to deliver significantly higher car park air quality within enclosed spaces through swifter, better pollution detection and better air dilution. By optimising the rate of pollution clearance, eco-park® helps to create much safer, cleaner and more pleasant car park environment.
Free air quality assessment
Whatever the scale or nature of your project, let us conduct a free initial appraisal to maximise design options and avoid non-compliance. Please contact our team by sending an email to
Contact the PVE team
If you have any questions regarding our car park ventilation solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us.